Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I vs U

Well, Collisions, either we like it or not is a must happen event in our daily basis, you say LEFT other say RIGHT ... she says THIS he says THAT ... they say UP we say DOWN ..... just WHY ???
God created us all , different in culture, nature, education, and personalities. Don't you think it would be extremely odd if we didn't collide ??!!!! , i just want you to imagine that you are living in a symmetrical world, where all people think the same way, need the same things in the same time, say the same thing in the same time ... etc.
WHAT ? can't picture it ?. you're forcing me here my friend , Okay, picture this : you wake up in the morning heading towards the bathroom and ,,, OH, your father is in there, your mother is knocking on the door, and your little brother.... well you can figure out what he did. After you got into your car happy that you thought of going to work early, and Oops , all people thought the same thing and streets are blocked with cars. You got to work late and craved for a cup of coffee and then ... guess what?? yeah, Office is out of coffee as all the staff craved it the exact moment you did. You - terribly annoyed - go to the conference room for the staff meeting to present that marvellous idea you had yesterday ... OUCH, your colleague just passed the idea to your boss as he thought it yesterday too, and weird enough, the same instance. Then my dear you return home -Furious .

Then why ?? why don't we accept our differences and deal with it, it would be much better if we completed each other, unless it's religious, we are entitled to differ, you must not force me to adapt your point of view, and in the same time i have to respect your perspective as long as you present it with good manners.
We really lack communication skills when it comes to understanding the other. If anyone disagrees with your point of view, you take it personal. WHY? having another perspective doesn’t mean we are opposite to each other. it just means that has his own analysis for the situation. we both may be right and we both may be wrong, but NEVER EVER should we argue and lose our respect to each other over it. When you are about to reach that point . Please, Shut UP.

People of greatness are those who learnt how to understand "The other" as an equal individual who has all the rights they have to express himself with whatever way he finds convenient.
So from now we all have to learn some important points:

  • Have faith in yourself.
  • Be confident.
  • People are equal, you are nothing better than any other person.
  • Everyone has his own perspective.
  • Everyone analyse events based on their own background, which is not necessarily yours.
  • Being calm is a privilege 
  • Patience is a virtue 
  • Silence is GOLD
  • Don't speak unless you know what you r talking about, if you don't , SHUT UP.
  • Your opinion is an opinion , it might be wrong, so as the other's.
  • Differences in perspectives don't worth losing your relationships.
  • When you feel you are reaching a dead point in discussion, SHUT UP, then try to retreat. 

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